There Lies leaked | Destruction caused by Hypocrites | Muslim defence


Condemn Lies

From the day I have born, I only witness the ruin of the Middle East. We, as muslims , wonder why this happens to us only. And all the ruins are caused by foreigners (who had no right). They forged lies against us and continued killing us and taking away our own resources.

The series of lies begin from September 11, 2001 when World Trade centre was attacked. 

Who really attacked the centre was never publicly revealed and the forged lie was circulated so enormous that "those who really did that" sometimes might become confused because of the popularity of this lie. These were "dancing Israelis" who made it happen and celebrated event as successful. 

Sorry to journalists, who became more cruel than politicians, who never asked questions about the circulated video. There are three questions arising in my mind;

Why Bush was keen to catch Osama Bin Ladin?

Why they could made only a video rather than arresting him?

If they couldn't harm him in their own country, how can they dare to harm him in his home country?

Osama bin Laden , as several clips have recorded, said that America is responsible for the support of war crimes caused by Israel. Whether he said these words or not; but we all know that US is helping Israeli occupation and never stopped them against Muslim genocide. 

Osama just shared the opinion and never harmed someone and US took it as an evidence of justification, intervened into Afghanistan on October 2001,killing 2-3 million civilians. It is not limited to deaths but the collapse of cultural freedom, economy and education. And they have to concede abusing Afghan people which they always masked. I also do have a deep resentment about the public of USA, who deemed themselves educated, that they never asked a single question about the killings. They never stood firm to take actions against Bush for his crime.

Afterall, Bush said in his speech, the war will not end there, which signifies that he had pre-planned the whole massacre in the Middle East. He didn't stop there but invaded Iraq on 2003, causing the devastating crisis, forged a lie "They have weapons of mass destruction". They killed innocent people who even were not knowing about the bombings, who were struggling for their daily meals. There media never broadcasts their killings, their sexual and henous crimes they did there. I can give an example of one troop who killed the family of 14 years old and raped her and shot in her head! 

Another question is rising; 

Oh Coward US, if you have right to manufacture war Arsenals then why they don't?

If US has to keep his country safe , then Muslims have too. But I'm sorry that we (muslims) are in deep slumber. 

They need to understand themselves and make their own decision 

Just turning to another country, Egypt, which was under the governance of Husni-Mubarak. On January 2011, Muslim brotherhood ousted him and Mohammad Morsi hold the governance. This uprise of Islam made hypocrites angry. Israeli, Sudi Arabia and other western allies planned to dismantle the movement. They killed hundred thousands, imprisoned the members of the movement and placed Egypt under PM Sisi who is the ally of foreigners. 

There are endless stories about their lies about muslims, they are and will be the enemies even if muslims feed them with honey. 

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