How to love eachother | Muslim Brotherhood



 While witnessing the consequences of our broken communities, I found it crucial to share the commandments of Allah ﷻ and His beloved Prophet ﷺ which are helpful in bringing us together. We, as torned, must have to adhere these precepts to come forward and live in safety.  

Muslims are so apart from one another that Satan (devil) is ashamed of it but we are in slumber and don't pay any attention to it. Our Muslim brothers, sisters, mothers, children, all are becoming victims of subjugation and our ruler are engaged in sending aid to our enemies to make them happy. But they should take note of this verse "The case of those who took others than Allah as their protectors is that of a spider who builds a house; but the frailest of all houses is the spider's house; if they only knew." (29:41)

They have forgotten hereafter because they are obsessively preoccupied of this life and hence neglected hereafter. This life is so little as it is finite and that life is infinite because that doesn't have any end.

When we consider our worship of Allah, we find one similarity in all of them and that is, every worship has one lesson of kinship and that has been lost when we turned ourselves to materialism. Looking at actions of worship with the eyes of this Dunya (worldly aspect) makes it virtueless and devoid of devine reality. It militates our brotherhood and bares us from coming together. 

Allah highlights the in-between affection of Muslims in Sura Al- Hashr 59:10 "that they prefer others over themselves". So it becomes complicit that we learn how to grow fraternity and become firm.

Abu Hurairah reported: 

Messenger of Allah said, "A Muslim is a brother to a Muslim. He should neither deceive him nor lie to him, nor leave him without assis- tance. Everything belonging to a Muslim is inviolable for a Muslim; his honour, his blood and property. Piety is here (and he pointed out to his chest thrice). It is enough for a Muslim to commit evil by despising his Muslim brother."

To boost fraternalism, we need to embody ourselves with good manners. Good mannerisms is the foundation for strong emotional understanding. When we minimize hurting others, we by-default come together and encourage camaraderie. 

We have been ordered to greet when we meet, to leave with smiling face without any grudges in our hearts. Covering faults of others is imperative and spread of good is from excellence. Our religion emphasises humility and rejects haughtiness. 

While enjoining love and hating evil actions, we must always conceive ideas of Goodwill by remembering Allah and his mercy. Everyone is commiting sins, but we need to minimise it's impact by covering it and working towards improving relationship with Allah ﷻ. Our last return is "to Him" and when we bear it, we will be restoring composure and warmth. 

We are obligated to fulfill these injunctions in order to avert worst consequences of our actions. We come to eachother while observing similarities among us and we shall devote individually to make a healthy community. 

May Allah bring Muslims together by His affection and mercy.

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