How Systematic genocide of Muslims began | Gaza Bosnia and others



 Systematic torture, abuse and execution is deep rooted in the hatred of Ottoman Empire that enraged them for perpetual persecution of Muslims, extermination from their lands and braking laws of humanity to satisfy their interests 

        But before that I want to briefly mention the brutal killing of Hind Rajab

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       Story of Hind 

 As Israel began an unrelenting genocide of Palestinians (Arabs) , they started their AI technology to identify mass of people and kill them with missiles. Without feeling any emotion, causing pieces of Palestinians bodies, so disfigured and mutelated that their bodies became unable to be buried. 

Rajab Hind Palestinian child who was killed by 356 bullets, source Routers 

When Hind's family listened voice of motor shells and missiles , their family went to their relatives in North which was seemingly safe zone. At night, they found the same scenario there and decided to move from North! In morning, Uncle of Hind, Bashar, taking her family & Hind to go some other area. When they just ran few meters, they were attacked. As Hind's mother saw the incidence, she called the rescue team. Rescue team contacts them and it is recieved by Hind. By continuing with words, " Is vehicle (tank) moving? In which direction? Is it still moving? ....!" 
Hind Rajab 

When rescue team gets full details for their route, they were bombed in the way! 
And the end they brutally kill Hind Rajab with 356 bullets!

We all watch the horrific incidents which take place to them, the stoppage and attack on aid trucks, the fatal consequences of mass starvation, and their list of suffering goes on...!

How they prepared the environment of Genocide 

To understand properly the deeper roots of these mass killing across the globe, we need to identify our contemporary weaknesses.

After the fall of Ottoman Empire, the jealousy nature began to inflame in their hearts. As they knew the glory of Muslim Empire, it's advances and long lasting nature. 

Upon the defeat of turks, the General colonial minster of British , Gladstone, said 
We cannot rule over the Muslim as long as this Quran remains in their hands; we must do everything possible to remove the Quran away from Muslims, or alienate them against the Quran

The process of driving Muslims away from Quran and making world to forget their bright past began to spread its routes!

The major strategies were ;

  1. Distortion of Muslim History
  2. Formulation of a Jewish state
  3. US foreign policy 
1. Distortion of Muslim History

The Ottoman Empire was one of the mightiest and longest-lasting dynasties in world history. This Islamic-run superpower ruled large areas of the Middle East, Eastern Europe and North Africa for more than 600 years. The chief leader, known as the Sultan, was given absolute religious and political authority over his people. While Western Europeans generally viewed them as a threat, many historians regard the Ottoman Empire as a source of great regional stability and security, as well as important achievements in the arts, science, religion and culture. [1]

 Ottoman Empire ruled between 1299-1923 over  Middle East, North Africa & Some parts of Europe. These regions were most stable during this time. Muslims led the basic innovation of Arts and science. Some of the most popular forms of art included calligraphy, painting, poetry, textiles and carpet weaving, ceramics and music. They advanced Astronomy, medicine, philosophy and many others. 
The most notable scientist of the Conqueror's period is Ali Kuşçu, a representative of the Samarkand tradition. The total number of his works on mathematics and astronomy is twelve. One of them is his commentary on the Zij-i Uluğ Bey in Persian. His two works in persian, namely, Risala fi'l-Hay'a (Treatise on Astronomy) and Risala Fi'l-Hisab (Treatise on Arithmetic) were taught in the Ottoman medreses. [2]
These centuries were not only enlightened with physical development rather it was governed under the law of Allah ﷻ.
 As Ottoman fell in 1923, Christians and Jews started war against Muslims as our history enraged them. The enraged anger can be seen in the words of the then Serbian officer while causing Bosnian genocide," abuse and torture them in a way to take the revenge of Ottoman Empire". Eight thousand Muslims were taken, women were separated, raped , abused , tortured and executed, of whom the bodies degraded there without burrying them.
Srebrenica sense agency 

Non-muslims started to distort islamic history time by time to disseminate false history in academics.
 Professor Sonja Brentjes' book 1001 Distortions. How (not) to Narrate History of Science, Medicine and Technology in Non-Western Cultures that she published together with Professor Taner Edis and Professor Lutz Richter-Bernburg in response to the many misrepresentations of history and science in the 2012 catalogue of the 1001 Inventions exhibition. [3]
Professor Brentjes describes 
how the exhibition organisers and contributors, who are not historians, have extracted portions of academic narratives, effectively removed their richness in detail and rearranged them as outmoded tales of glory, success, priority and progress.

She also explains 

how “criticising academically false stories about such topics needs to be undertaken for all such cases, not merely for those told by Eurocentric writers against non-Western histories”. In order to make it clear to the general public that their academic criticism was not another act of Islamophobia, but a defence of academic reliability, solid research, and honesty, the editors included other case studies examining political appropriation and the abuse of stories about past or contemporary sciences.

The influence of misrepresentation of inventions can be guessed from those professor who think Muslims as backward and subordinate.

How beautifully she repraminds a Muslim professor as follows;

Sonja Brentjes objects to Professor Ahmad Ragab’s grave misrepresentation of her positions in the debate for and against the false narratives in 1001 Inventions. She describes it as recasting medieval Muslims as “backward third-worlders”, referring to their elementary contribution and “their exclusion from the ranks of knowledge-makers”. 

This is how greatly there distorted literature has affected our people. It should be our priority to learn and teach islamic history to our children and others and recommending them to strong hold with it for its preservation and dissemination to others.

Let every Muslim historian know not to degrade Islamic civilization by representing Westerners as superior to them rather expose to true sources of knowledge and disseminate that forward 

About Islamic history, sir Mohammad Iqbal said "it's the mirror for our future".

2. Formation of a Jewish state 

  Theodore Herzle was the first man who provocated Jews for the formulation of a Jewish state in 1896. He started a movement"Zionism " believing that Jews need a separate state for safety. [4]

 Separate state was not accepted until Britishers supported it in 1948 for these reasons :

  • Britishers were insisted for money and wealth to fight a war against Ottoman Empire 
  • Jews were given a piece of land which was colonised by Britishers 
  • For the domination of power in the region, they've been supported with arms by many Europe states including UK & US.

 Watch in this video how this all took place
   "As long as Jews move to Palestine, they will be given land and millions of money"
In the creation of Jewish state, _ 7,50,000 people were killed and displaced from their land. This day is remembered as Nakbah (Catestrophy).

 Jews brainwash their children for the hate of Arabs and teach him to fight with them at all costs to sustain the Jewish state
 Muslims have belief that things occur only by the will of Allah ﷻ. His plan of something can't be avoided. But here we also need to teach this history to our children so the urge of standing up will rise!

Westerners nourish Jewish state to continue their hold on the Middle East to keep eyes if anyone awakes there, he shall be sentenced to death or lifelong imprisonment (Afia siddiqi). 
It should be noted that 
 Many Jewish individuals took great stand in its formation, particularly wealthy ones. Millions of wealth was spent by Theodore Herzle, Roosevelt and others in formulation of Jewish parliament, establishing schools and social development. Our wealthy ones have the responsibility of spending their wealth consciously in establishing of Educational institutions, not the factory model running schools, rather it should stimulate creative thinking in our students, instil them with stronge self image of intelligence and value 
3. US foreign policy 

Bab  From 1940s , US started to politically intervene in the Middle East. The exercise of power was oriented to steady supply of oil and resources, and prevention of domination by any other power. These policies were effective through continual support of Israel and those Gulf leader who prioritised themselves over there people. 

 For the fulfillment of their interests, they had to take care of the Jews to let them strongly hold their land , establish power and security.
"U.S.-made aircraft were critical to the Israeli victory in the 1967 Six-Day War that pitted Israel against an alliance of Arab powers. And when the Yom Kippur War of 1973 again threatened the Jewish state, a massive U.S. airlift of war material was crucial to Israel's survival in the conflict."[5]

 All the lies they framed were oriented to maintain power and contract over the sources of Oil of Muslim countries. To cause destruction, several terms were coined to cover the genocide and suppression of people _ sometimes calling it "we are defending terrorisms " and sometime in the "maintenance of democracy "

 "Who are they to stabilize our nations! Who permitted them to continue draining our oil, who let them to kill millions of our people (in various wars) saying we are fighting terrorism_ when land was ours and we had better knowledge to stabilize it"
They are fighting terrorism when the land is our , people killed were our and property was our! What kind of stability they're talking about! I haven't seen the bloodshed caused anywhere which they did in our nations 

This paper is a brief story for describing systematic process carrying out to dismantle the state of Ummah. There is an immense need of "generation of leaders" which can only be  achieved by the creation of Centre of Islamic studies, Islamic History, active training of creative learning. These canters can be operated by wealthy people for the sake of Allah. 

Every individuals active participation is needed based on his interest of subject and correct guidance. For instance, a student in physics should be made familiar with Muslims physicists and must be trained for creative thinking by developing the awareness of "necessity of Independence and power". 

 Every employee has greater role in this process by continuous learning of religion, reflect on politics and brainstorm on best ways of salvation. The correct way of spending wealth is so crucial that will estimate our time investment. It becomes super important to invest money in those things which will help our Ummah to grow.
Learning right parenting styles from various scholars is of high value as it represents first pillar for development.

Properly navigating leisure time (free time) is of great significance. Making use of free time determines the behaviour of an adult.

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