Reading Quran | step 1 to change life, reading Quran Changing life


Life journey

 In the previous post I gave you the outline of the model of changing life from evil to pious. Now I will inshallah take you through a series of posts which will fully guide you in this whole holy mission. In today's post ,we will look at the first step of this process.

Reading Quran

   The most crucial step in this journey is to start from the recitation of the Qur'an.

 From now you will continue everything what you were doing but recite Qur'an for some minutes daily. Don't abandon all لغو abruptly as human beings ,we can't cope this. 

 You will start just from some verses along with their meaning. You will be able to understand these verses and the truth will be uncovered to you. Inshallah

  There may be two reasons that a man fears to start from the Qur'an

  1. Islam is making our life harder
  2. Quran is difficult to understand     
  Both of these obstacles have answers from the Qur'an.

 Allah says in 20:2

" We have not sent down to you the Qur'an that you be distressed"

 Allah is free from sleep so whatever Allah has said is with full conciousness and hence if we have faith we have to accept it.

   We have to look towards Quran with love full eyes and positive attitude. We need to agree upon our ignorance and fully concentrate to it.

 We should develop a kind of modesty that we start shaming our self if we ever missed it's recitation. 

   Second, there may be fear of understanding. We should agree that it's only Allah who makes things Clear. We need to start with right intention and rely upon His help. 

    Allah says in 54:22

   "And certainly we have made Qur'an easy to understand so is there anyone who will recieve it"

 Allah has said that we made it easy. So we should bear witness of it's ease and should not blindly imitate false desires.

Going through this journey

    I'm sure that it's very challenging and hard for you to start even with this small piece of assignment but we should remember that tolerating small things is easy than starting from big ones. 
  You should think oh..!   It's such a little assignment, I can easily finish it by reminding it's glorious final goal as a motivating source. 
   Keep this assigned work consistent and be sure of its enormous  fruits. Go through it with love and a sense of change in your life. 
  Do this task for a long time till you observe some sort of positive change and confidence in this journey. As long you span time with The Most Merciful, truly He will welcome you with high honour fruits. You will feel calm while speaking with Him and one thing will resonate in your mind " oh ! I've been waiting for this kind of tranquility and confidence".
When such things are coming say Alhumdulillah !  Now you will be ready to go to next step. 
There will be any verse which will deeply touch to your heart. Remember that verse and be reviving as much as possible.
   Never take next step until your heart is opened to receive and enjoy it's blessings.
  Our supplications are with you.

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