How to use internet for good purposes halhaal ways of using

use of internet for Muslims, halhal way of using phone, get more benefits from phone


Smartphone usage

Allah has created everything for a human being. These things are have both advantages and disadvantages depending upon the way of their usage. 

Every task for a human being is a trial whether he uses it with good intention or not. In every good intention, we benifit ourselves and to the society as well as their are many to copy our ways of living. 

So it becomes necessary for a believer to us Mobile phones with proper intention. I think our youths are spending enormous time with phone so it is important to teach them the avenues of better life. 

  Our psychology revolves around two things i,e dopamine and oxytocin. Release of Dopamine gives us a kind of pleasure and it is upto us which thing we make a kind of tool of its release. If we make our good company (I mean everything good) a tool , we will find pleasure in doing them , no matter through what hardships we may pass. 

 As we know our Mobile phones have abondance of  material which is regularly updated. The content are of both types i,e good as well as evil type. Both types of contents are easily available and just one click away and that is "choice".

Now as a fearful guy, we can spend our most of the time on good content which will help us to solve daily issues. 

 We can watch lectures of those scholars which are miles away from us and even we can choose the title of the specific lectures. We can watch the debates and learn languages from the phone.

It is just a matter of choice

 As me is concerned, I'm more centred to lectures and reading books, tafseer online. We can get those books which are really defficult to afford. I personally use the books of high price through phone. 

In phone you can use books in night mode and prevent the eye strain. We can also highlight the points and secure by lock .

We should always use phone purposefully. First we should think about what we have to search or which article we have to read or book to go through. 

Scrolling phone screen is the most worst experience

Never try to use your phone by scrolling videos and articles. There is abondance of choices and mostly it ends up with wastage of time. It sometimes leads us to depression and anxiety. It undermines our decision power and lowers our confidence by lowering our power of judgement.  One of the psychologist, while calling it doom scrolling, says that a man can never get full knowledge and hence he should confine his scrolling.

  There is socal media which consumes our most of the time. We should remember that social media is unreliable so we need to connect ourselves with only truthful and reliable sources and should reduce our time on them.

   Also you can get certificates of different courses such as digital marketing, if you are interested in. 

While having lots of emails , keep the write emails 'snooze' at right time to get through only those articles which are beneficial for you.

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