Debate on usury | bank usury rule



 I have not written this article to inform my audience that we must be warn ourselves from usury but I want to take you through the fear which usually confuses us while having our assets in bank accounts. As we all have a fear of punishment of hell fire for taking or giving usury. 

   Usually we get confused over our money in our bank accounts because of the usury they pay in return after a long time. But don't worry in accepting that money because you lose the "profit" and gain number in return. 

   Let me explain

      Suppose you put $ 10,000 in your bank account 10 years ago. Now they show your current balance as $ 20,000 . It looks like your amount of money got doubled but actually you have lost the profit and gained the number. The value of $ 20,000 doesn't equate to $ 10,000 which you have given them and thus if you are taking $ 20,000 back is not wrong.

  While borrowing money from someone, we need to fix the rates based on "goods". No matter after how many years you are returning that to him. Because the perfect thing (anything which is material take that as a reference which is of the amount you are borrowing) doesn't lose it's value and hence you will be prevented from deception.

    Suppose I have borrowed 10,000 Rs from my friend which equals to 1 LCD television. So I have to agree with him to return the amount of LCD television no matter even if the number counts more than what I got.

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