Guide for changing our life from evil to pious



I have found people so easy in saying “we want to change our life” from evil to pious but lacking the skill of transformation. Surely their modesty with Allah compels them to change but if they have not known the proper way of it, they need to consult their teacher. Finding those teachers is really challenging and difficult. I have written this article specifically for those who are sincere in changing their lives and accept the truth. I will be at my best to channelise the confusing task as easy as we are easy in making such statements.


     Let’s take a life of an innate Muslim who have been denying his religion since for a long time and now tries to change his life. Taking extremes is very common but unfruitful. The enthusiasm of good must live long as it is it’s basis. As long we remain in it’s(good) progress, we are under Allah’s mercy.

    Not jumping into the extremes, we change ourselves in two spheres. The sphere of self and the sphere of social.

Spheres of change

  Sphere of self includes positive changes of self which does not interfere with others. It will firm our heart and settles down it. It will increase the value of Islam in sphere of self. By good consequences, we will remain always at it’s ( self good changes) service of preservation and escalation (regards to spirituality).

We should start our self from the recitation of Quran along with it’s meaning (if non-Arab) just for a couple of minutes without abandoning the other habits of our life. By continuing the whole lifestyle with such minute change, it will not make us nervous about the other entertainments. Therefore it will be a barrier for the fear of losing joyful (in sight of Devil) life which usually takes us away from this great journey.

     The persistency of primary step will build up us with the energy of moving forward. In the primary step, we would have found any verse who moved us. So we need now to take that (which moved us) verse along with our life also.

    Now our third step will be abandoning anger. As anger is the door for many adversities so we control it by seeking help from Allah. I acknowledge the difficulties which you will face but these difficulties are opening the doors of lasting love and peace ( that love remains as you remain entrenched with Allah). You have to seek help from Allah about the anger. Those who start mocking at you, you simply have to seek Allah’s protection by thinking that their hurtful words have no power over my honour. It should not become your cause of disbelief.

When someone is mocked because of his Islamization, Allah raises him in His sight and downs those who mock

And we should accept the honour in sight of Allah instead of people. Being such incredible reliance and love of Allah, Allah will definitely make you His truthful and beloved servant.

   Because when we don’t care about the mistreatments of people, it will be the work of wisdom. And then it is easy in changing our life when we keep Allah above all priorities.

    The other self-characters vary and are not specific in their ladder but the approach will be same (taking one by one and not abruptly). Because now you reached in a sea in which from wherever you want , you can taste your life with new good characters.

   Now along with the self we have to go to social change. These are the changes which you have to bring in yourself which is related society. These changes include the characters which have effect on society. It also needs the hierarchy of some of the changes.

   Social change (by it you are serving your society) doesn’t always mean you serve your society by money. More than your money, your character has more effect and important role in it. In our social circles, making relationships should be our primary goal. To make a good relationship, we must have to clean our heart from every envy and jealousy. The envy and faith can never coexist. Envy is the most common and worst type of blind character of losing our relationship. We need to leave comparing ourselves with others by seeking Allah’s refuge and pleasure. We need to weep while repenting at His doorstep for the purification of heart.

 After the release of envy, we can clearly see ourselves in urgency of helping others instead of harming them blindly. The release of envy will produce a storm of love, confidence, independency and the importance of what we were lacking before. After leaving the father of all social evils, we can then easily serve to our society and to ourselves and it will inshallah illuminate our life with contentment and satisfaction.

 I myself have faced unbelievable challenges in my Islamic journey but Alhamdulillah (All praise be to Allah) I have crossed most of them by His grace. I was mocked by every near and dear, challenged by my family, relatives, and friends.

    Once , I was reading an Islamic post and my family was discussing about me. They defended by saying that “you are reading more religion” and intimidated me by worldly affairs but with His grace I never turned back.

 Another time, I was mocked by a relative by saying

 “ You first have to achieve…(this world) then after you have time to read this”

In another occasion, my friend said to my father

   “Please say him (me) to close these Islamic books”

 All praise goes to Allah who saved me in those scary moments. I’m not saying these incidents for my self glorification but I just want to motivate you.

These physical hardships are looking so scary and aversive but believe me you will achieve more after it than what you surmise. You will achieve all the pleasure which you have had tried before to achieve in all other things 

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