Weaknesses in Muslims | self evaluation

saymemasroor.blogspot.com, weaknesses in Muslims

Life is a trial for everyone ,it is of different kind for different people. Life is valuable and purposeful . We have to live a purpose oriented life and take review of it always. It abandons our desirous life with which we are so concerned. Its purpose is such that  hurts to a narcissist. It commands love and forbids hatred.

   Life is just a matter of expectations. Those who expect everything in this life will be given here and will be charged there accordingly

To make a good society, we need to make good ourselves


In today’s post, we are looking at some of the characters toward which we are so inclined but they are harmful as our Lord commands us. The discussed portion have reference marks to support them. Let’s taking a closer look

  Desires undermine our value. It is desire which makes us to deny the commands. Desire belongs to free thinking which is always destructive . An unbound thinking with no certainty of consequences, how can we trust on it? As a purposeful life, we need to live it with under those limits.

Uncertain things are needed to be checked before they are being brought into our lives.

  If sun, moon and earth would have given their free will what do you expect from that?

   A man is a type of vehicle which needs to move on its own road otherwise it halts.

 If we don’t live our life under the given commands, surly we are amongst cruel .


    “Islam is the complete framework of life. It teaches us every realm of our life. It soften our hearts in a proper way and broadens our chests to love each other ”

Fear of Islam

   Fear of truth is the most common seen in our societies. About hard hearted, by fear of Islam, Allah says that they become disheartened when Islamic discussion is going on and when any other affair is taken, they become illuminated on their faces.

  Love is the affirmation and aversion is its strong opposition

 Fear felt by heart needs an emergency assessment. Fear of Islam is ingrained among those who are zealous of evil. It decays our I’man (faith) by restraining self and others from the truth. All other faiths have fear of Islam and thus results in unification while defending it. Otherwise their hearts are destituted with intense aversion of one another .

Crisis over contemplation

 From the same fear, hate towards a believer starts about which Allah has warned by saying “announce war with him”. Not having fear of injust rulers is also of must importance. Their fear (fear of injust rulers) will cause abandoning of protests (defending islam) and the promotion of evil. As reliance upon Allah is of vital importance .

 The Evil established by self-involvement

Fear of death

   When we value something, we lose ourselves in that. An islamic spiritual life has some supernatural strength which compels its followers for its help and protects him from every blink of fallacy. Death is the highest degree of sacrifice for something. Prevailed injustice in our societies can only be eradicated when we care more of justice than living an injust life.

  Almost death toll in His cause equals to the number of deaths occur by subjugation

Releasing Allah’s fear promotes our desires

 To release fear of death, we must to fulfill ourselves with the fear of Almighty Allah. As relying upon Him , we have to take Him enough as disposer of our affairs.

 Absence of Love

 I have found love the most relieving in my life. Perhaps Allah has provided it with such essence. It is the fundamental character of a society. People in its absence are advised to consult a psychicist. A good life can be lived without rich dishes but not without love.

  Love can’t be overlooked for a rich dish

 Islam suffice us with internal love and peace and can’t be substituted. You might have heard about tazkya (internal purification). It is nothing else than love .

I may share a good experience with you

  “ I was thinking myself so brave in serving other people. I went to my unconscious grandmother, thinking about her troubles, I shocked on my intolerance. Remaining at her service for a long time is quite difficult. At that time I understood the bravery of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) . Being in service of poor people, our hearts are being lit with mercy”

  Being in service of poor people, our hearts are being lit with mercy

Love is the release of envy and the instillation of empathy.

Narcissists are those who are self involved and hence relentless.

It can only be an insolence hating those who stand you up when others down you

Belief in apparent

 Belief in Allah in His absence is the basis of our faith ‘ايمان باالغيب' . Our Islam strongly negates the overreliance on technology and blind faith . Allah being concealed has given value to our lives . His concealing is making our life as a test. And the apparent world plays a widespread role in negating that. It darkens us to the extinct that we are not finding any way out. It is really an obstacle in favouring Allah’s commands by its apparent fragrance.

  Muslim Ummah is looking helpless because of their apparent indulgement . Their apparent greed of this world relentlessly tortured them. And being in such greater tribulations, still they are unkind to curtail their greed

 To find truth, we have to take help of reliable sources rather than looking at others because they are accountable for their own carelessness.

 So let’s make it obligatory upon ourselves to change our life and remain accountable for every action.

   [Note: this article is written in islamic lense under the limits provided by Allah]

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