Misinterpretation by William Muir | Life of Muhammad pbuh

misinterpretation of Life of Muhammad PBUH by William Maur , Life of Muhammad PBUH, William Maur

life of Mohammad and misinterpretation by William Maur

Life of Prophet Mohammad PBUH

Wrong intention of non-muslims

Results of wrong intention

Not loving Prophet Mohammad
Book life of Mohammad PBUH by Maur
Misinterpretation of Quran
Muir & islam
Misinterpreting Quranic verses is not new. There are people of mistreating there soure of guidance (Quran and sunnah) by mockery and misrepresentation to create choas and confusion among those who don't have! 
Among them , William Muir is one who has written biography of Mohammad ص falsely and has raised many issues not only among polytheists but also among believers. Today I comment on some of the statements of Muir .
he writes :

Evil here is "the acceptance of idols"

2. Surely, a human being is weak and hastey but Allah has protected Prophet Muhammad ص from such undesirable weaknesses by His mercy and guidance.
 4. And Allah has mentioned that We (Allah) don't change our decree which describes His Pureness in His wahdaniyah (greatness).  How can we change the plan of Allah.
   Saying that the persecution abandoned the pure state of verses is far from the truth.
  Allah says in surah Zumr 39:11

 Not only this, there is the Specific surah Negating the notion of false deities . If we believe on this false allegation then what that Surah meant by Allah.

In general we have to refuse this ugly statement made by an orientalist to perfect our Faith.
   We can say it as selling of Quranic verses which is contrary to the verse 3:199 Allah says

If you have any Islamic questions please let me know
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