Guidance to islam | Why we need islam


Guidance to Allah

Allah has created a human being with a definite purpose of life. In the same journey some are reaching and some are falling short of their essential needs. We (as muslims or non-Muslims) have to go through difficulties to find truth. This article is a source of motivation for knowing islam and showing positive approach towards it. I'm welcoming you all to islam from the depths of my heart. It is totally peace and satisfying with all possible necessities.


 Allah (the most beneficent) has honoured human being by saying

 "And surely we have honoured the children of Adam" [17:70] 

 Allah honoured Adam(A.s) by commanding angles for prostrating Him(Adam)

  The love of Allah is manifested in every of His favour and Allah says 

  " If you disbelieve, then ˹know that˺ Allah is truly not in need of you, nor does He approve of disbelief from His servants. But if you become grateful ˹through faith˺, He will appreciate that from you. No soul burdened with sin will bear the burden of another" [39:07]

  Allah has bestowed us with beautiful faces which is one sign of His love.
 I don't know if people claim of their beauty then why they don't thank to their Lord.

Allah (the most benevolent) is merciful and addressing His servants with compassion and love. Sometimes saying 

 And the servants of Merciful [25:63]

And sometimes

And say to My servants [17:53]

 This is all Allah (the mighty) is calling His servants being authority over everything.

We need to keep His love alive in our hearts.  

I'm defining the love and fear with Allah as this:

 There is a circle of love where you remain till you follow His commands and it is ending at where you start denying Him and Fear starts from the very same boundary and it calls us to fear from His punishment which is for those who transgress His limits.

Islam is our part of life

 Love of Allah is the circle where you live and fear is the line where disobedience starts

  You have to live in the field of love to enjoy your life and the beauty of Lord's creation.

   Being such a loving Lord, is it not injustice to leave Him? 

   As a utilitarian view , there is no practical benifit (in this life) in loving Him but  rather a soul finds console at Him. 

   Allah speaks 

So who is more unjust than one who lies about Allah and denies the truth when it has come to him?

  Being the knowledge of His fairness, we mostly stumble in preparing ourselves for His obedience. More often because of our  illusion, we think we can't turn to Allah. Believing over rumours and false notions have a great gloomy impact on our lives and hence hardens the truth.

    We need to leave the blind imitation of culture of celebrity and put the balance of spiritual scale at most priority. Motivate yourself by feeling good in search of truth. Be sincere in changing your lifestyle and entrench yourself to reach the goals. Don't be hasty in achieving them as the change is gradual.

Allah says "man is hasty" and commands for patience . There is a great emphasis of patience in the Qur'an.

   Love your Lord explicitly and don't associate anyone with Him. By associating, I mean don't be insincere in love for materialistic purposes.

  Supplicating sincerely is also of great importance in gaining His nearness. 

Whatever is befitting the soul is befitting Him 

 Whomsoever you love, you need to know more to love him more.  Meditating in His attributes is of paramount importance.  

           Read More 

     Allah (the most merciful) opens ways for the one who relies upon Him. Allah appoints possible ease for a man. Those who obey Allah find peace and contentment. 

 Allah (the exalted) said 16:97

"Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer - We will surely cause him to live a good life, and We will surely give them their reward [in the Hereafter] according to the best of what they used to do."

  Allah has promised of pure life to a believer. There is difference between a good (pure) life and a materialistic life. Allah has promised of pure life because it has more value in His sight than material. Material amusement is for some little time. A believer has to utilise material goods but not to worship them in a way to love them more than the it needs. He doesn't have to make materialistic life his goal which often leads him  in transgression. You might have felt tranquility with relatives and if you love material, you have to abandon it. 
     How pleasent it is when Allah says 16:90

"Indeed, Allah orders justice and good conduct and giving [help] to relatives and forbids immorality and bad conduct and oppression. He admonishes you that perhaps you will be reminded."

    Allah candidly orders good and forbids evil

So one exploits himself when he denies the truth while knowing it.

  I surely admit some of the things are baffling and mysterious but we need to focus on that which we can comprehend and decode.

Islam guidance to destiny


 Islamic results aren't utilitarian but rather are aesthetic in refraining your interm

       As Allah appreciates observations, one of the study was done by Michelle shiota and Dacher keltner on Awe

 i,e exploring to nature. They found an interesting results. Those who explore to nature are more correct and cognitively sharper than those who don't 

   The observation is quite simple, if we explore ourselves to those who are cognitively impaired, there are more chances of haughtiness and arrogance. The more we explore to the nature the more we deminish ourselves and hence find truth.

    We need to ponder and reflect

Our ignorance leave us in the room of darkness and hence screening the truth. As the people of Noah(a.s) did, ignoring the truth for which they paid in this world and in the next.

    The Knowledgeable of truth may not have the world but never overlook them. They are honoured by the one who is Al-Mulk(the mighty king) and are exempted from the sickness of heart.

    I can understand the hardships one has to take in perceiving the truth when the own made culture of celebrity circumvent us from stepping towards the truth. But it doesn't mean that we become heedless and terminate our learning. 

     I hope now learning islam will be of your most priority. You will start your journey with positive intention and will feel as a source of appease and alleviating psychological tiresome.



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