How satan calls us towards evil SaymeMasroor

Allah(st) created human beings for his worship

“[He] who created death and life to test you which of you is best in deeds and He is the Exalted in Might, the forgiving” [67:2]

But to accomplish such an incredible work is not so easy as Allah has created enemies for a human being. These enemies include both humans and jinns as

 Allah says
“Thus we have appointed enemies of human kind and jinn unto every prophet” [6:112]

From the above verse, it is clear that not only Satan of jinn kind whisper in our ears but also of human kind. Those who are promoting evil by different actions, some by backbiting and some by mocking scriptures, and some of them host secret meetings.  

You might be knowing about secret society of Freemasons…where secret policies are made. We don’t have to put light on the evil society.
We want you to wake up from the whispers of Satan so that you can find your own identity in sight of Allah.

As you grow, Satan starts the feelings of independency. How it can be achieved?Satan takes you through these feelings to the point of dream world and liberty. You become anxious of yourself, care of assets. Unbound thoughts roaming in your mind and lead to psychiatric problems.

Allah says:
“Satan Intimidates you with poverty” [2:268]
You should never let your mind to conceive toxic thoughts which are out of Islamic context.

Allah says:
“Whosoever transgressed Allah’s limits, he has verily wronged his soul” [65:1]

In another Verse Allah says for Believers
“And whosoever put his affairs to Allah, Allah will appoint a way out for him and will provide provision to him from whence he had not expected” [65:2-3]

 From poverty to the world of sexual desires, Satan never despairs about his failure. The Idea of independency enforces you to fulfill all kinds of lustful and immoral desires. Under teen, you can never control your sinful desires without the will of Almighty Allah. Satan calls you towards Lewdness with the darkness of sex compels you commit a sin.
Allah says
“[Satan] orders you to immorality” [2:268]

 You need to be very vigilant of judging any action. Satan may encourage you to commit “zinah” (fornication). At your schools , colleges and offices. Because the satanic policy makers has made it quite easy to commit by the name of gender equality. In each and every field, satan has expanded his network to grip us easily. May Allah protect us all.
 “Each and every moment of your life is a trial”
  The easiest sin which is usually done by all of us is through tongue. By it, one can achieve his most and by the same, one can lose everything. And evil by tongue with conspicuous diversity can not be weighed easily.

Allah says
“Tell my servants to speak good words . Satan induces (dissension) among them”[17:53]
 It is tongue in most of the occasions which turns away a couple .
  Another most Worst and profound realm of "Satanism" is famecity. Social status usually consumes an individual by world love and hardness of heart. The status quo comples some people to make hell their destiny for a flush of amusement.
 As the life of Abu Jahal , Ibn Zayd mentions that once he asked to the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) that if I accept your Deen (religion) , what will be my status. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said Are others have. His reply was "may destroy such Deen where my and others have equal status".

   For such a little pleasureable life, he sold his ownself to the status quo and became the companion of hell.

May Allah protect all of us from his(satan) whisper 


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