Help to yourself and islam, Help Yourself and islam

Renunciation of islam

May Allah's mercy upon you

I have written this post for creating a sense of urgency of thinking about islam. Look at how many issues we have right now and if we don't pay any attention, the next has to go more worse.

Don't doing any positive serves negative itself

We all are humans and we all have responsibilities. We have the abilities surely of different ways. Allah says we don't put the things except they have the capacity of. We are surrounded by tons of issues but we don't have to forget the Mighty who is enough for us.

I was just thinking about the policies which I understood and was thinking how can other people perceive these things justly.

Abundance of nonsense things, unemployment, individualism , self-involvement and hatred. Exaggeration of showing off and the excession of fake love. It really hurts me.

Leaving this issue aside, now the issue is there seems to be less opportunities of coming out from these things.

We have forgotten Allah such much that we just eat and don't care of our next life.

Being surge of pain , we just want to be resistant rather than seeking way out from these hardships.

What we need care about

Now we need to care about some basic and apparant things. We need to think constantly about the policies which are being made daily. We need to be curious that how can we benefit our self and islam. We are being bombarded with all types of troubles. So we only need to think of "all types of productive ways" to overcome this whole created mess.

I'm not forcing you anything but just want you to give a "wake up' call. Even sometimes I think I need to leave my sleep because there seems no time to sleep. I'm not saying I'm good. I just want my self and if any, to get motivated for this noble cause. We are spending hours on watching to which I can say "result of negligence". Allah says that those who take their religion as an amusement, they are not the inhibitors of paradise.

We are preferring to be Celebrated rather to celebrate in an awful world of hatred. In this world of celebrity, we are just being deluded by their smiles.

We need to constantly think if we are humans that we need to keep our emotions there to feel comfort and relaxation.

I sware , when I look those 'Narcissists' who love self, I scare to spend even an hour. Their hate makes me to feel the pain from which the whole world is suffering from.

Wallahi! Sometimes I wish to kill them but these words resonates in my mind...

Be Productive to change the society

I'm simply summarising the whole scenario. I want to draw your attention to these lines

We have to be very cautious while starting anything , We need to think of the issues we are living in and how can we contribute positively in them, we have to use our own basic skills and interests through the lense of Islam to contribute if possible. Also we need to be with Productive people. We need to be gradual and consistent in our approach as it is the key to success inshallah!

I hope this post has bring the sense of urgency as well as hope in you to start the mission with love and expectations.

#sucess #muslimsucess #sayme #concistency

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