Offering salah (prayer) and controlling tongue | step 2

Offering prayer, salah, Namaz, offering salah (namaz) and controlling tongue

Salah nimaz to jannah

In the last post we have started from some verses. And in that journey we have expected at least two things. One is that we will become regular in reciting the Qur'an and knowing the truth. Second thing was that their will be some breaking verses which we deeply positively impact us and will develop love of Quran. Alhumdulillah! I expect that you would have achieved both the things with His grace.

So today we will look at two things which we will add in our lifestyle inshallah both will be helpful and beneficial to our life.

One is the self i,e Observing obligatory prayers and second is social i,e change in our behaviour while dealing with others.

Let's take observing obligatory prayers first. How much less time will these obligatory prayers consume. How much time do we waste without being looking at that. If possible start praying at home first with proper intention. After that with the passage of time you can accelerate this good deed by different ways.

Start first from the initial point that is best for you. Observe first all the obligatory prayers at home then in Masjid and from shorter to longer rak'at.

Look at second one now. How many times we have broken hearts of others by not remaining accountable of our speech. While talking to others, we should take it as a mirror image of our own self and should show attitude as what we love. By understanding others, we can be best in our relationships.

So let's making an intention of fulfilling both of these two things and moving in the journey of loving The Mighty .

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