Muslim world under oppression | lessons to restore our islam

Lessons from rise of west, lessons from Muslim sufferings, Healing muslim problems

Muslim world and western supremacy

Lessons from the rise of Western hegemony
Western hegemony

 " We all muslims have to find common objective to love what we are and to hate what we are not 


      This paper is centralised to " the identity of west" .How  west identified itself and shaped which led it to colonise others.  We will get many key points from there identity to identify ourselves . It is interesting how western society was influenced by it's writers and others to think as supreme than others which protected them as well as encouraged to colonise others. And the threat to there identity was nothing thought but only Islam. It means the West has always confrontations with Islam and nothing else. Sometime portraying Muhammad (peace be upon him) as a cartoon and almost all times breaking their own laws to attain their interests. At the end we will summarise all the key points on which we have to focus on to shape our society.

 Rise of Western supremacy  

   Out of a Muslim, all others have same objective of this life. Everyone is interested in increasing his bank balance without taking exploitation of others into consideration. Our beloved Prophet صلل اللہ علایہ وسلم said that "if son of Adam is given one valley of gold, he will seek another. Nothing can fullfill his mouth except the earth, Allah turns with mercy to him who turns to Him in repentance". 

  Now the question is why to focus on Western supremacy? 

     Currently we are wretched by the western ideology which scumbs us in the infection of others same as HIV which destroys the war plans of a human being then a bacteria with less immunogenicity kills a human being . 

     We should know that hypocrites will never be happy with our belief in one God (Allah). They always want to change our faith otherwise will be angry always as Allah says 

       O you who believe! If you obey those who disbelieve, they will make you turn back on your heels and you turn back as losers  [03:149] 

They don't have any principle, as mentioned in Al-Bakarah, that they say we obey just but when it comes to justice, they turn away. They are wrong doers and decievers. 


clash of civilizations
Clash of civilizations

   Henry Kissinger mentions in Samuel p. Huntington as follows:

Non-Westerners also do not hesitate to point to the gaps between Western principle and Western action. Hypocrisy, double standards, and "but nots" are the price of universalist pretensions. Democracy is promoted but not if it brings Islamic fundamentalists to power; nonproliferation is preached for Iran and Iraq but not for Israel; free trade is the elixir of economic growth but not for agriculture; human rights are an issue with China but not with Saudi Arabia; aggression against oil-owning Kuwaitis is massively repulsed but not against non-oil-owning Bosnians. Double standards in practice are the unavoidable price of universal standards of principle.

  Not only westerners but all hypocrites want to subdue you O! Muslim.

Look at what Jews are doing with you 

Look at what Hindus are doing with you 

Look at what Chinese are doing with you 

Look at what Buddists are doing with you 

   Huntington further mentions 

The West is attempting and will continue to attempt to sustain its preeminent position and defend its interests by defining those interests as the interests of the "world community. 

  We should remember that we have to subside all types of hypocrites to establish laws of the Most sovereign (the Most Merciful).

     This paper will disclose what where the reasons that brought Western people together and encountered the influence of others. Its knowledge will provide us asylum from their ideology and will also let us to know what frightens them the most so that we can work accordingly and distinguish the gap between our strengths as well as shortcomings.

  There can be no true friends without true enemies, unless we hate what we are not , we can't love what we are" [ Samuel Huntington clash of civilizations ] 

  It makes very clear that why all other groups harm us when they are so little because we opted one group from them which weakens us and strengthens all these groups with same attitude (of hate) to defeat us. 

    Allah says in 59:14 that you find all these non-muslims against you (because all these have same objective towards you).

The impact of social comparison 

Reform education system

    We all are ideologically colonised by Westerners which results in :

  • Laziness
  • Individualism
  • Lack of God consciousness 
  • And weakens us by other ways
 All these weakness aid all types of hypocrites (Jews, Hindus, Chinese) to subdue us and hence defeat. 

   Our focus to decolonize ourselves will be the shaking stance for all inhuman hypocrites but we need to wake up. 

  We have to think colonisation as a process as Hatem Bazian mentions (co-founder and professor at zaytuna college).

It was 1970s, a British author Bat ye'or (pen name Gisel littman) who gave a conspiracy theory called Eurabia which argues that Europe "has surrendered to islam and is in a state of submission". It was call to action for Europe to ban islam and to subdue Muslims. 

    The concept was followed by Eurocentricity which means that everything should be  Euro centered and should do what Europe says. Everything we see is Eurocentric as seen in our accademics where all the names of Muslims have been wiped up. 

    Writers have played greater role in developing the solidarity among westerners to fight against Islam and to grow identity among Europeans. 

 One of the fiction "The camp of saints" centralises as one teacher describes 

     "We can't respect the humanity of all human beings - that you must create a hierarchy and that the white West is the most human and thus reject this sub-human group".

 In  covering Islam,  Edward said has highlighted that islam is not "particular to any group" and thus warned it as a threat. He also observes the gap between the academic description of islam (inevitably caricatured in the media) and the particular realities found within the islamic world. He had a threat that if islam is found by others, it will catch them. 

     Almost half of the non-Muslims know the falsehood of these hypocrites. Invading to any of the Muslim country and killing there millions by simply diluting it with the name of "terrorism". Jews who killed and are killing muslims are not terrorists and any muslim if attacked by any other group has no right to resist that. Surely Allah will pave ways for us Inshallah !

    James longley has created a perfect documentory "Iraq in fragments" about the US invasion of Iraq that truly depicts the figure of Iraqs. 

 Key points lessons from western supremacy, western hegemony  

attacks on Muslims

  • All writers of our society should be islamocentric. Every writer, at his best, has to make islam as a central theme of his writting.
  • Not only writers but also our accademics must turn to the same goal. Teachers must have to develop the relationship between Muslims and their contribution to Islam in academics which is quite wrongly mentioned.
  • Our manufactures have to hint their customers towards their objectives of belief
  • Braveness is always more in Muslims than all other groups which also creates a threat to them as seen in the book "covering Islam".
  • The Euro centralism has led to wipe up the names of various Muslim scientists about defferent inventions and have created a sense of euro-superiority which has to be checked and changed into what is true. And that truth should be taught in institutions. 
  • Our gadgets has also promoted euroculture which has to be regularly checked , by parents , teachers and by other figures .
 We have to find our identity, values then after we can avoid these hypocrites. Our Muslim Ummah is suffering, not because we don't have resources, because we have sold our identity to which Allah says in the Holy Quran "don't sell the verses of Allah of this this (worldly) cause". We have to near our broken hearts of brothers and sisters to restore our life. Otherwise we will never be able to establish the commands of The Most Merciful as happened in Egypt in 2011.