Evil and good | Islam in our lives

Human behaviour, nature towards evil and good,inborn charactersof conscience, why choose Islam

Love of good and hate of evil in nature

... "While having in a dire situation, you need to be heard. While having some achievements, you need to be celebrated" 

thumbnail of a blog post Nuture of a human being towards evil and good
Birth nature

   This article is intentionally written for all people, Believers and Non-believers, based on our nature towards  evil and good. As humans, we love that thing which loves us. And it is very important to know what (or who) loves us so we can love that too. We will go through some evil as well as some good deeds and will try to understand the proper solution by internalising them. Experience of good and evil will help us to make a proper decision that what is humanic and what is non humanic and ultimately to choose the right one among them.

Understanding Emotional Quotient
               EQ  is a type of intelligence of understandig others by internalising their pain and suffering. EQ is important in our conscience to distinguish between right and wrong. 
     Before internalising an action, we can't classify them. 
    So we begin with some of these
Harsh language
Humiliating others
And so on...!  



 Fornication : can be defined as an intercourse between male and female without any marriage. Just internalise the process of action and think for a moment. Imagine the response when someone asks you "I wanna commit ... with your....(any relative)" [please forgive me I just said to make it clear]. Think the hurt it gives you and internalise the pain when such thoughts begin in your mind. By avoiding this action, we agree for its evil. 

Backbiting : - It's "spread of weakness" of anyone to others without letting him to know it. It is really awful to spread weakness just to belittle somebody? If we don't like to lose our reputation then why do we choose it for others. Do we have more right of honor than others ? So we either have to let him (who have any weakness) to know it with good word or we have to overlook it rather than spreading it to others.  

Harsh language : - Hurting others is very easy through improper language as it is sharp and accessible always. After this terrible language, perhaps all of us simultaneously feel it's bitterness. Doesn't it indicate poor human character to be harsh with others. 

Humiliation/dishonour : - Everyone needs honour and can't tolerate it's deprivation. As we love it, how it can be right to hurt others by discrediting them. Remember, humiliating others is not any worthful act but only decays our own reputation. Whenever we self credit, we lose shine. As if I self credit my post, it doesn't appeal rather than it annoys you but when you give good rating to it, it shines.

Helping others :- Internal feeling of helping others doesn't need any lisence to prove it. Surely the intensity of feeling varies because of our difference in the inclination towards good. Some have more and ganuine love than others but we can't neglect it's presence at least. Therefore we need to promote "help" in our society rather than de-socialising  ourselves. We need to be humanic even if we have access to everything.

Honouring parents : - do you believe that we naturally love to honour our parents. I agree for its absence because of external factors. Depending upon the health of parenting, it can be different. Our conscience affirm to honour parents and love them. Parents suffer much more while raising us and we should have that level of emotional tolerance to love them otherwise we are indebted

     I know you love to be loved and honoured. But when you need, others need it too. It means you need to give it first then you will achieve it. All of this staff can be summed up as human nature and we need that which care us. 

While having in a dire situation, you need to be heard. While having some achievements, you need to be celebrated.  
  This was an outline to distinguish between good and evil based on our nature. Our religion islam cares you in a humanic way. As this was just a brief outline of our Inborn inclination towards good and hatred towards evil. Islam teaches us in depth how to live a life of purpose by following the truth inside us. Purpose is necessary to be defined for every task to be completed. 
You are suffering from headache, would you like to be asked for any harsh work or would you like to be asked for relax? Certainly your relax is important and that's what my Deen Islam says. I invite you to my beautiful religion ! 

As we went through these different actions, we understood why should we negate or affirm any action based on our own intelligence. But remember our intelligence has various limitations and hence need to be guided by the One who have created us. So He(Lord) sent down His Messenger to guide us in understanding all laws of  Allah which are beyond our cognitive process.

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