Resurgence of Islam | let's changing societies

revival of islam, Making Islamic society, need of islam

Need of islamic Resurgence

Prayer of a child
Resurgence of Islam 
   Necessity of Islamic Resurgence 
       Islam is a vital organ for an islamic society. It defines all sections of life , teaching all of them under unconditioned principles of the Most Sovereign , Most Merciful. No one has right over the resources given by Allah to consume them in other way except that He (the exalted) has commanded. Depending upon the usage of resources, we will be dealt accordingly. 
    Allah has created us as representative (خليفه)  .  It implies that we represent His sovereignity in land because of His power and majisty. Certainly, we should submit ourselves to Him as he is worthy of it. Tyrannical leaders should draw lessons from the story of Phiraoh who was burnt by water (which heals burns) after being neglectful from Allah who had blessed Him with enormous wealth and prosperity. 

    Islam strongly forbids from selling of Islamic values, identity and ethics for this worldly benefit. 
Establishment of Islamic creed can't be attained until a Muslim kingship is not appointed. Khali'fah (Muslim ruler) is only establishing islamic law, without following his personal opinion or desire. Thus he defines himself as a representative.
    We have now seen the purpose of establishing Allah's rulings which can't be replaced by anyone's desire. Allah has mentioned them as the most tyrannous who follow themselves besides Allah. 

  Muslims had established Allah's rulings in the past but then they were distracted by the intervention of others hence misguided. The trauma is too deep upon which we will briefly look to remind our losses. We will look at our hardships created by these interventions in two dimensions : 

    1. Physical trauma 
    2. Spiritual trauma 

     In physical trauma , it includes our physical loss which may be our economy, lives and loss of other things. And in spiritual loss , it combines hardships of love , affection and harmony among ourselves. 

💡 Oh Allah! I have fear of rich dishes  May I not die while eating them !

Let's talking about physical trauma first.
    Hating Muslims across the globe is not new. When we look at the history of Muslims, we have been suffering since long. Sometimes we saw our Bilal (R.a) being tortured with hot sand and sometimes we saw our genocide on religious basis. Sometimes we are threatened by the abandonment of trade and sometimes open infedility. All the Muslim countries have been honouring to International law which promotes violence among us. America which recognises International law have been supporting Israel since long. Total direct aid of America to Israel in 2003 counts $140 billion to promote illegal settlements and subordinate Muslims.   

    Lobby of Israel and US foreign policy published by Cambridge University mentions "Israel is an only exception" in the middle East to increase war arsenals , illegal settlements and genocide of muslims without being questioned  for these actions. As Camp David has rightly said “far too often, we functioned … as Israel’s lawyers”.
 Remember the invasion of Iraq which devastated our economy, oil was stolen at least of $150 billion. Millions of Muslims have been killed without charging them anything. We don't even have the right to protest against this brutality.
  Afghan invasion is not any minor loss which our Ummah has faced. More than 90% population is below poverty line. This country has a long history of imperialism, sometimes in the name of terrorism and sometimes women oppression . In real sense , oppression was spread by these interventions , mistreating Muslim girls , infidelity of modesty, devastating economy, killing behind the scenes. And when Muslims came into power, their economic based media started to allege this whole loss to Muslim rulers who had just came into power.

    Demolition of homes as well as mosques , Islamophobic slogans, hijab ban and other types of oppression is across the globe. This brief review can’t truly put forward the amount of loss which we have faced and are facing today.
   Now let’s move on spiritual side which includes our relationships, love, honour, understanding each other, harmony and social well being. Satan doesn’t feel ashamed while aparting us from each other. These interventions spread the menace of self-love, wickedness, individualism, hardened our hearts and vanished love in between. They accelerated marketing of women by keeping them in the darkness of women empowerment. Modesty is burried in schools and homes. The high standards are confined to their terminology only such as parents without holding the true value of them. Our Islamic tradition is always shown as barbaric and subdued us from following it. They often used their hate towards us as a tool to be appointed in elections .
    In general terms, they have harmed us in all terms either in the name of nationalism or democracy. We need to flee from their slavery and turn back to Allah who is the only asylum provider.

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