Consumerism and islam | What Islam has to say

Overeating in Islam, over consumption of money, consumerism and Islam, Obsesity, extravagance, social divisions

over consumption and islam love of money

fear mongering consumerism


     In today's paper, we are going to cover the definition of "consumerism"alongwith it's different dimensions. It includes the extent of obsession world has gone and what are the possible consequences which desperately deteriorate our societies. We have mentioned some of the verses where Allah has prohibited us from this heinous lifestyle which ultimately leads us destruction. 

   Consumerism is "encouraging of purchasing goods". If we more deeply look to this term, it can be understood as "the ism (infection or habit) of consuming". It can be clearly noticed from the definition that what kind of menace it is i,e disease of consuming (more that what they need which often resulted in wastage).  
       Every company is goal oriented while launching their product in the market and it wouldn't be wrong as "profit oriented". They made things accessible by lowering it's price and changing it's model consistantly. Edward Berney said 
Mass production is profitable only if it's rhythm can be maintained 

 Clearly Edward is focusing on the "consumption by people" . To meet these goals, they followed different avenues to encourage consumers to return. 

   Advertising came into play to display products, acts as drive for consumers 

 In 2017, American's spent $240 billion on goods as watches , clothes , jewellery etc and most of that is not used. [The Atlantic] 

This ism has crossed all border lines and has impacted on our societies unimagingly.  

 Average American is buying almost 68 new pieces [Netflix is a joke] 

  Fast fashion has played a key role in accelerating consumerism. It makes clothes cheap, quick and disposable. Cheap here is in a sense of wealthy ones which is suitable for them. 

It's not just a matter of clothes but other gadgets as well which are quite harmful to use to certain age groups. 

Study finds "most children own mobile phone by the age of seven". 

  Giving mobile phones to children could mostly be possible because of the envy it fosters otherwise it's out of rationality. 

   As it's promoted by brands, it is also more accelerated by is as well. rightly said 

 It might not just be competition among the brands trying to sell us things, but also competition among ourselves [] 

 This consumerism has divided our society on the basis of money as we gave it extra value. We treat poorly those who make less consumption and hence created an environment of hatred and envy. 

 We connected social values with consumption  

The ostentatious behaviour of wealthy ones leads lower class people in a detrimental situation where they consume affordlessly just to achieve social balance but put themselves in an ached situation.    

Points to be concluded :- 

1. Extravagance 

2. Dividing society based on money 

Islamic teachings:-

   Now we have to confirm whether it is really detrimental or these are just assumptions. And if these are deteriorating our society then what is the truth.  

    Extravagance is strictly prohibited by Allah as He (the exalted) says while extolling believers 

    "And those who, when they spend, are neither prodigal (extravagant) nor grudging but (spend) between the two". (25:64)

   Extravagant is just a seduction from satan(devil) to achieve internal contentment. As believers, we must take the recitation of the Qur'an as the only source of peace in times of conflict and confusion.

  Allah says

   "Those who believed, their hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah" (13:28) 

 As our Islam doesn't look superiorly to the lasting materials of the world and warns from being distributed by these materials from the final goal of our life. 

  We can  clearly understand this from the  "story of a man with two gardens" mentioned in Al-Kahf. 

  The second big issue aroused from mass consumption is  "social divisions". While taking consumption as a precious concern in our relationships, the upper class segregated themselves from the lower class and hence lost the spirit of true love and affection. We  are living a decietful life by having a belief that others are not noticing me. We love eachother for worldly purposes without taking Allah in consideration. Overconsumption allures people to those heinous actions which are forbidden and prohibited by the Most Merciful and Generous Almighty Allah. It leads people to two border lines i,e either one has to choose a depressed and stressful life or one has to take those actions which leave him in total loss. 

    We can resolve these types of issues by lowering our desires and mending them into right direction. We need to consume moderately as our Allah has ordered us. Also to reduce our false desires, we should look at those who have not these things to avoid unconsciousness and disbelief.

a poor child

  Giving in charity, looking at your sorroundings who are in need will definitely relieve you and will give you an inner peace that no else can provide you.

    Islam commands us moderation and you can read moderate in more detail.



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