The hypocrisy of social media| A Muslim has responsibility to shut down their social medias


Social Media 

We all have witnessed all the lies they made. They objectively call Muslims as terrorists to justify every killing. They tried to kill Muslims in every corner, even didn't spare to hospitals. We as civilians have to do best for their (Palestinian) help. We have to raise awareness and also to make donations. 

They are silencing our voices on social media. Many of the contents don't upload as they dislike it. 

Here, on my personal account, they have shut down these contents. 

Downing content which helps palestine

 I think we should turn off their social media and turn to our own plateforms. We need, immensely, our independence and strength to practice our religion. 

We all muslims are witnessing the atrocities taking place across the globe because they hate is for our religion. We had forgotten it because we never opened Al Quran to know about the characters of these hypocrites and hence we are facing these problems. We shall admit that they (all disbelievers) are continuously perpotrating policies to weaken us by keeping us away from religious teachings. 

I think we need to resort to pen and knowledge, purpose and religion to live really as we wish (following Allah's commands).

Today, I want to suggest you to read about Bedi'uzzaman Sayd Imam Nursi. How he became so motivated towards rejunivating Islam in the hearts of Muslim.

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