Two biggest Problems in the Muslim world



As we have see a series of attacks on muslims across the middle East. These attacks were not only the foreign but ,more importantly, internal conflicts. 

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1. Worship of self- Fulfilling own desires

   Remember how ruthlessly Egypt was attacked when Muslim Brotherhood came into power (in 2011). That attack was done by Saudi Arabia with the threat that they will loss influence in the region. So , to fulfill his desire for his self, he invited Israel and other foreigners to kill and destabilize the state. 

 We have to spread the truth and support it. We have to choose the one who is just and God fearing. Who is solving problems based on islamic creed even if it's against his own desire. We have to put our faith the most priority and condemn what it has forbidden.

2. Different sects- need to unify

 The second thing is Shia sect. We have to reveal all the truths that made their sect to divide us as muslims. Hezbollah in Lebanon was creating it's stronge roots to deminish the Israel force. But because of this sect, our Suni brothers started to fight against them which intensely harmed Muslim Ummah. 

   We have to spread awareness among masses and let them to know that "we are having one Quran and believe in one Allah". We have to uphold our religion and leave what's against it. Otherwise we can never come together. 

 We should make religious dialogues to discuss "what are the wrong concept regarding faith" and need to solve them peacefully.

Our Shia community has been distracted from faith by introducing the confusion of hierarchy between the companions of Prophet which was better known by Prophet ï·º. We need not to decry the decision of Prophet ï·º.

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