Recommendations for Muslims readers : Reform islamic society


Recommended books for Muslims

 As we have wholly choosen the subject of the blog for muslims to help them in reviving Islam in their lives and societies. We recommend you the Two Must Read Books. These books will give you the best account of islamic world destruction. These books are:

  1. Confessions of British spy 
  2. Islam versus Ahl al kitab by Maryam Jameel
 The first book "confessions of British Spy" is written by a Muslim author who has articulated it in a very comprehensive and easiest way. In this skillful piece, you will come to know the attempts made by Britishers to fragment out societies. The years they have learnt our Islam and knew the lifestyle of muslims. They were in search of weaknesses among us , deviated such people , forming new sect and hence segmenting our society. 

 The second book "Islam versus Ahl Al Kitab by Maryam Jameel. I'm really grateful to Allah for choosing this book for my purchase. I really loved the book. It's easy to read and well made to made comprehensive review of history. How Jews made their state, made coalition with Jews , absolving Jews of all responsibilities for the alleged death of Jesus by crucifixion. Even Jews killed Jesus, they made a convincing remark in the hearts of Christians that we love your religion. Much more to learn in this book! Hence have a read!

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