Extremism effects on islamic society

Extremism & islam

As muslims, we believe that there is no God to be worshipped except Allah. He is above all flaws. Whatever commandments He has revealed are only peace and just. Some things may be easy in understanding and some others may be harder but we believe they all are perfect.
 The topic"Extremism" is widely talked and has much history of stereotyping Islam and it's Shari'ah. We will try inshallah to instil positivity of islam and remove the heinous image of islam.  May Allah's favours be upon us to understand it properly. 
 Extremism can be defined as "selection of unbearable dimension" of any activity. It is that dimension of activity which is interfering with the rights of other things. When one is victimized by extremism, he is becoming deficient by other essential needs and thus halts. 

Allah has designed our body structure in a special way and if we don't show it it's right track, it will be severely harmed. 
As if we keep a train on a bus road , it stumbles 

 Extremism can take any one of the extremes. It may deny the activity solly or it may lead to it's destructive way of doing. Hence after a short time, a man falls short of necessary other things which he had thrown away before. And thus remains back from that thing fully. 

Our body strictly prohibits the act of extremism. It can be easily understood by our work and rest alternation. After work we are rejoicing the peace of rest otherwise not 

And thus Allah has highly blessed the moderation by which we are able to balance ourselves. Neither we feel short nor we halt our consistency. 

Allah subha-n-watala has said in Sura lukman 31:19

And be moderate in your pace 

The commandment of moderation in the above-mentioned verse can teach us it's importance, revealed by the Lord of everything.

 Allah has taught us the two kinds of extremism and both of them are devastating.

As Allah has revealed 

And those who spend neither excessively nor sparingly but are between (that) moderately

 Witnessing the above spoken words of Allah (the exalted), we have to leave both of them because of their harmful consequences.

  Allah loves that good deed which is done consistently even if it is minor in essence (in our sight) , Allah increases it. 

   Our body works on the principles of moderation. Your body needs ionic balance which harms you if interfered. 

   Everything needs to be done in a specific limit, neither more nor less, both of these extremes are harmful.

  There has been the rise of some extreme movements and their death taught us the awful consequences of extremism. No extreme group could every live for a decade successfully.

   Feminism is the extremism of women rights. It encompasses that which is crossing the boundary and hence causing bad impact on our societies. It sought the spaces for which it is not compatible such as leaving motherhood. Promoting unmarried in the name of liberty. Nations have got their heinous results which they had sown 

Balancing feminism Yaqeen institute 

 You might have seen the Extremism in Tv series. Casting the programmes of tragedy in a way by which our youths are becoming it's victims. Youths are becoming such passionate that they start committing suicide in the way. They believe zealously that it can be achieved in this life even when these are faul temptations from devil (false promises). We must protest against this extremism

  Allah says in 17:64

But Satan does not promise them except delusion. 

   One should note , being life in darkness, that he is marginalizing his own prestige because he accepts that He (Adam) was not of such honour that Satan might prostrate Him.

  Allah is balancing His servants by moderation in their lives. Their life is neither touched by desperation nor haughtiness. And hence preventing from destruction. 

Allah (the exalted) says 25:63

The Servants of Rahman are those who walk on earth humbly and when they meet any ignorant  they say peace [25:63] 

 And Allah also warns His servants about haughtiness by saying "Allah doesn't like haughty ones".

  You might be familiar with Jihad extremism
 which is stereotyping our religion by misrepresentation. Our Islam doesn't allow any to kill someone without Haqq (islamic rulings). There are certain situations where a Muslim can kill any specific man who is accustomed with intervening in islamic law. The one who is harming our religion and community is to be subjected with punishment according to Devine rulings.

    Some islamic scholars putting light on Jihad extremism  

   "According to Nouman Ali Khan, people are becoming victims of jihad extremism because of

  • Grievances (may be personal or political
  • Psychological depression (felling low self-esteem)
  • Brainwashed (by wrong motivation)          
      He says the clash has to remain and suggests for proper information to escape from these seduces.    

Omar Suleiman says 

  • Need to spread the awareness of extremism and the proper image of islam
  • Learn to be productive in your life - what is befitting in thriving our Islam do that- islam thrive through peace.     

   We have to look more comprehensively . He mentions the story

Story of a group of terrorists claiming to act in the name of islam , attacked a bus full of Muslims and Christians & they told the Muslims get off from the bus so we can attack  the Christians and the Muslims stayed in the bus and protected the Christians against this crazy group.  

 Abdul Nasir says

  • We need to apply the Qur'an as we read any chapter , we have to learn it's application part to combat social problems
  • And we have to take the help of seerah(life) of Mohammad pbuh 


    These were the citations of some scholars. And I think firstly we have to create the positivity of Qur'an among youths by saying that as 'you read other books, read Qur'an with the same view' by this we can drive people to learn the basic rulings and teachings of islam. And we can hence reduce there aversion.

 To create positive society, we need first to look at ourselves. When we change, it will impact others to know what we are practicing.  To achieve it, reforming our educational institutions is at utmost need. Because it is the backbone of every nation and if it is worse then the whole system circulates the same. 

  Extremism has thus faul impact on our lives and we need to seek refuge in Allah. It is deceiving but silently unless it destroys it's host. Recognizing it is also challenging. 

   So we need to be very cautious

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Unknown said…
Mashallah ,keep it up